It's National Certified Nursing Assistants Week - Let's Celebrate Their Dedication
by Don Drake, Connelly Law Offices, Ltd. 6.17.24

"The National Certified Nursing Assistants Week, commonly called National CNA Week, is an annual observance devoted to recognizing and celebrating the invaluable contributions made by certified nursing assistants (CNAs) within the healthcare sector," stated professional fiduciary and certified elder law Attorney RJ Connelly III. "The responsibilities of a CNA involve delivering vital care to patients who require assistance, making it a significant and influential role, and one that is often overlooked. CNAs are instrumental in delivering hands-on care and assistance to patients in various healthcare settings, such as hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and home health agencies."
The History of National CNA Week
National CNA Week's origins can be traced back to 1977 when Laurie J. White founded the National Network of Career Nursing Assistants (NNCNA) to advocate for the recognition, education, and advancement of nursing assistants within the healthcare workforce.

In 1986, the NNCNA successfully lobbied Congress to designate the first week of June as National Nursing Assistants Week. This special week was established to honor and appreciate the dedicated efforts of CNAs nationwide. During this time, healthcare institutions, professional associations, and communities organize various activities, events, and recognition ceremonies to celebrate CNAs and their important contributions to patient care.
Over the years, National Nursing Assistants Week has grown significantly, leading many states and municipalities to establish their observances to coincide with the national event. This week (June 13 - 19, 2024), provides an opportunity to show gratitude to CNAs, raise awareness about their vital role in healthcare, advocate for improved working conditions and support, and promote educational and training opportunities for nursing assistants.
RJ's Early Lesson
"CNAs go above and beyond in their care for the patients assigned to them," said Attorney Connelly. "When I first started to work with clients who resided in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, I gained valuable insight into the crucial role of the CNA in shaping comprehensive care plans. I distinctly recall participating in a care team review for a client I'll call Ross, where I discovered that the CNAs provided much information about his progress. Their input was instrumental in helping the charge nurses and doctors comprehend Ross's behavioral patterns and how to move forward with his treatment."

"The behaviors observed and noted by the CNAs identified issues with Ross's sleep and dietary habits, activities of daily living (ADLs), and potential risk areas such as falls," Attorney Connelly continued. "These details were actively discussed and documented. Additionally, concerns related to Ross's distress signals, early signs of agitation, and strategies to alleviate his unease were effectively communicated. Proactive management of Ross's distress played a pivotal role in preventing agitation, thereby reducing reliance on medication for managing unwanted behaviors."
A Final Word
"The acknowledgment of the indispensable role played by CNAs in the healthcare sector is of great significance as they deliver tailored care and attention to patients with exceptional empathy and conscientiousness," stated Attorney Connelly. "An array of fundamental responsibilities undertaken by CNAs in healthcare facilities encompass monitoring vital signs, aiding in personal care, upholding hygiene standards, replenishing supplies, facilitating patient mobility, and ensuring a serene milieu. Moreover, CNAs wield considerable influence in bolstering patients' emotional well-being and averting potential complications through vigilant monitoring of behavioral and mood changes. We must show appreciation for the dedicated and tireless work of CNAs and their significant impact on patient care, not just during this designated week, but daily throughout the year."

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